No Signup Required — Just Search Through Our Database of 4.5 Million Health Care Providers!

Using SearchMed to find your next health care provider is ridiculously easy! Select your preferred category and specialty, then enter a city or zip code to find your next health care provider.

In addition to standard Physician, Dentist, Hospital, Pharmacy, and Veterinarian practitioners, our health care directory contains every other specialty you can imagine! This includes Chiropractors, Nursing Homes, Counselors, Masseuses, Physical Therapists, Clinics, Air Ambulances, Blood Banks, Cosmetic Spas, and so much more!

Online Telemedicine Appointments Available

  • Let SearchMed help you find the health care provider for you! Use either your location or their own to find any provider in the United States.
  • Select an available appointment slot from their profile and choose whether you want to visit them in office, or through telemedicine over a secure connection!
  • Once scheduled, telemedicine meetings can be joined from desktop, tablet, or smartphone devices.
Dr Demo Appointments

Download Our Personal Health Record

  • Our Personal Health Record (PHR) is free to download and use!
  • All of your invaluable information in a single place and completely organized!
  • Save a copy containing your personal information to distribute to any practitioner!
  • Over 38 Pages that can be edited and brought to any office or telemedicine visit!
We understand the importance of privacy when choosing a health care provider. We will never track you, or sell your data to a third party.